
时间:2025-01-07 03:19:04编辑:花茶君


  电影里老家伙们挂在嘴边的是old time,实际上这故事也足够老派,军火商勾结政客上位,见不得光、必须抹除的海外战场丑闻,中情局、克格勃与军情六处以及冷战记忆,这些玩意儿都使得电影充满了旧日趣味。《虎胆龙威4》里,一脸老态的老布还要与高科技罪犯一较高下,尽管照样热闹,看上去还是拧巴与悲催了些,《赤焰战场》的老布,明显利落抖擞的多。

哪位帮忙用英语写一下 赤焰战场的情节简介和影评,(附有译文更好),急用

Former agents Frank progress Frank Moses yunus (Bruce Willis Bruce Willis).shebeginstofall early and companions horses, experience strong wind surge, now have their respective XianFu home, lived a life of ease, good for pets. However the retirement of serenity was suddenly broken that on the night before Christmas, a group of armed intruder breaks into frank's home, the pain under killer. Originally, as a veteran agents, frank and his companions know too much about government and military secrets, and they are granted become be tak-en away the object. Unwilling to pay the fate of the hands, frank others find Joe Matheson Joe McCartney psaltery sen (Morgan Freeman, Morgan Freeman).shebeginstofall Marvin Boggs Marvin muggsy bogues (John MaErKeWeiJi John Malkovich diggs) and Victoria Victoria yuli (Helen Mirren Helen Mirren).shebeginstofall etc that good partner, determined to conduct a jedi big counterattack...

