准备英国留学,大家一定要进行个人陈述材料的认真准备,保证自己的申请能够顺利进行。下面就由来介绍英国留学个人陈述范文模板。 首先带给大家一篇英国留学个人陈述范文 Personal Statement My great curiosity about camera lens is rooted in a television interview when I was still a young girl. Hunan Television Station held a talent show called Super Girl Voice in 2004. I was a student in high school at that time, and I found the high audience rating brought huge viewers and the advertisers. It also made mass media to be a hot industry. I thought that was a potential job which would provide opportunities; prospects and material conditions for me to take off. Therefore I determined to choose mass communication to be my major. I am very proud to study in Communication University of China Nanjing College, which is the tiptop communication and media institution of higher education in China. During my undergraduate study, I find myself has been strongly attached to this specific territory. Achieving 82 of the GPA proved that I am an excellent student in my class. I learned basic methodology and theories of Broadcasting and TV program Editor and mass communication. There is no doubt that practice makes perfect. For that reason I have applied for my professional internship as a TV editor in Yueyang Broadcasting & Television Co. Ltd, which is the largest and most authoritative media company in Yueyang. During that intern work I applied what I acknowledged at school to actual process of producing television program, which includes programme scheming, transcribe programme, editing and broadcasting. Writing scripts and shooting films with my classmates is also my favourite. During the creation process, we exchanged our ideas and discussed about the problems of scripts, performing and postproduction is benefit from my strong sense of team work. Being a member of the university’s volleyball team instill the idea of ‘team work’ deep inside me. That is the very spirit which made my short film ‘timeline’, a cooperated film work, won the 3rd rate prize of ‘the 5th International Film Work Selection Practice’. No pain no gain! Emerging technologies is rapidly changing the media map. Internet, wireless communications and digital video technology are creating a new communications environment. Our world is becoming a earth village gradually which metioned by Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan first time in his in 1967. With the recent tendency of globalization, I wish to pursue my study in media communication. To find out how the methods and perspectives of media communication affect the ultimate communication effects and what global media can do to serve their social responsibility better under a globalization circumstances. The reason why I choose UK is because I am crazy about English TV drama Like ,, and so on. I am also enthusiastic about football very much and I want to watch the FA Premier League. I choose UK because UK is the media center of European. I can learn a lot of knowledge which I cannot acquire in China and broaden my horizon at the same time. There is an old saying in China: Reading over ten thousands of books is not as good as walking over ten thousands of miles. I will be influenced by many different cultures in UK. At present, my career ideal is clear in my mind. In order to combine my own career objective with social development and accommodate a wide variety of interdisciplinary knowledge, I will comprehensively study the interactive relationship between mass media and human civilization. That’s the objective law and trends. I pick up this programme with the most advanced research facilities and world-class faculty, to upgrade my knowledge of scientific research methods. And even when I type my Statement of Purpose word by word, I became even more determined with my choice. It’s quite convincible that my solid technical background will help me to understand more clearly the internal operation of the media communication. My adequate internship experiences will prepare me to be easily integrated into the media market as well. Equally, I’m certain that with your wonderful guidance I will play a better part in contribution to China’s media industry and add luster to my career. In the past three years, though sometimes I suffered setbacks, felt confused or dissatisfied with the reality like a rebellious youth, I have never stopped the pursuit of my interests and all-round development of myself. Modern undergraduate education focuses on the expansion of students’ major knowledge. As the world changing rapidly, only the all-rounders can best adapt to the global society. In this active atmosphere around our campus, I definitely seize the opportunities to cultivate the makings of being a media people. Applicant: Date: 01.11.2018 英国留学个人陈述的书写原则 1、一定不要表现得自命不凡。 2、尽量不要以“I”开头展开句子描述。 3、尽量用有趣的词组做开头和结尾。 4、尽量不要引用报纸杂志书籍上的名言警句,感觉像是表示你多么地饱读经书然后故意秀出来一样。 5、一定不要撒谎,要真实诚恳。 6、不要尝试在ps里面故作滑稽开玩笑。 7、不要谈与你的申请无关的兴趣爱好。 8、不要用生僻词汇。 9、不要重复那些在大学申请表格上就有的内容。 10、不要提及任何政治立场。 英国留学个人陈述的结构 如果大家对于PS写作不知道如何下手的话,可以参考以下五段论: 第一段:为什么要选择这个专业,对专业的认识; 第二段:说明你为什么可以学好这个专业,你过去学习过哪些专业相关知识或相关经历; 第三段:介绍一下你的学习/工作/实习经历,参与过的课外体验及社会活动有助于你学好此专业; 第四段:简单说明一下你的业余爱好以及个人能力; 第五段:简单说明一下你申此院校的决心或毕业之后的规划,以及对未来的期许。 但需要大家注意的是PS是一个自我学术能力推销的过程,大学不会太关心你的家庭和兴趣,只会关心你是不是会比其他的学生更有学习这个专业的优势。任何与学习能力无关的内容其实都是在浪费PS的宝贵字数。
紧急求救!关于出国留学的个人陈述(Personal Statement)
但为了写Personal Statement,Recommendation Letter,还有英文成绩单什么的,我查了两个礼拜的资料……所以对这个也算很熟了。
实话实说,光看你写的这几段……确实惨不忍睹……不是说你英文差,而是你压根不知道Personal Statement需要写什么……
那么,先给你竖立正确的方向吧 ……
说了这么多大道理 再回到你自己提供的这篇ps中,现在知道毛病有多少了吧……随便举例,你擅长十字绣什么的……跟你的国际会计专业有关么……你每次读书,都有新的想法,可是你能展示出你具有会计的技能么?这样大而空泛的描述,是ps写作的大忌!
女性会成为杰出的经济学家吗?在一个男性占有主导地位的学术领域中,女性的优势和劣势是什么?这是每一个有学术理想的经济学专业女学生在大学的四年学习中会反复面对的问题¸including me. 我的答案是肯定的。尽管会面临种种的困难,我有自信,也有信念用一生去坚持我所热爱的经济学研究,在中国的经济学发展中留下自己的足迹。
德国女革命家罗莎·卢森堡曾说过,当街上还剩下一个革命者时,这个革命者一定是女人。这句话说出了女人的另一种天性:执着。很容易看到女性对丈夫和孩子的爱执着,但是她们 对事业的追术也执着,而这一点常常被忽视。在过去的经济学学习当中,我深深的感到经济学是一门异常艰苦的科学,特别是对数学功底的要求,让我非常曾经一度非常的吃力。但是我把本来可以花在咖啡屋的时间都花在了数学上面。除了我们本系的数学课程,in which 我的勤奋使我总是成为全班40多名学生中仅有的几名90分获得者之一,另外我大一和大二在数学系旁听了四门课程:……………。在经济学的研究中,我认为女性不应该仅仅是点缀,尽管当前看来的确如此,我们系有声望的教授中还没有一名女性,而我进入…研究组的时候,也是唯一的一名女性。她们应当被接受为full partners。我想这通过一两代人的努力,会得到改观,我的师姐们,在过去几年中比男性校友有更为杰出的表现,她们获得了包括来自…… 等美国名校的OFFER。我希望我也会在明年加入她们的行列。
作为一名女性,我大学选择经济学的一个重要原因是,除了那些漂亮高雅的模型和数学方程,我为经济学和经济学家的人文关怀而感动。作为一名女性,天生强烈的同情心使我不由自主的关注发展、公正、平等、贫困这类问题。在大学二年纪的暑假,我和几个同学一起,在学校和一个企业的帮助下,组织了…大学贫困地区考察团。为期两个月,与贫困地区的人群零距离的接触,我深切的认识到地区之间的巨大差异,特别是感觉到越是落后的地区,女性的经济地位越为低下,在社会结构中也就处于非常卑微的位置。由此而生的强烈责任感,责使我关注区域经济学和发展经济学。我的确没有能力从微观上make immediate changes,但是我期望寻找某种答案,尽管这答案在我的心中仍然是朦胧的。
目前的中国,女性经济学家仍然是一个弱势的群体,另外,就发展的角度而言,跳出本国的界线,应当从别的发展中国家的经济成长的数据进行分析和比较进而得出对中国的经济发展而有益的方法。从而我觉得变得非常有必要到一个国际化的环境里进行经济学的学习。作为本科毕业生,我的兴趣主要在发展经济学或者区域经济学,从事其中任何一个方向的研究我都很抱有极大的热情和坚定的信念。而且我也为研究生的学习作好准备,这在我的简历和推荐信中有detailed reference. 我选择……大学,是因为。。。。。(希望贵校能够接受我的申请,place me among the group of the most passionate pursuers of economics as a vocation.
分论点1 分论点2 分论点3
|例证1.1例证1.1 例证2.1 例证3.1 例证3.1
在这篇文章中,通过金字塔结构把申请文书简化为:提出一个命题+证明这个命题。PS一般使用三层金字塔结构 MBA全套ESSAY作为整体来看一般使用四层金字塔结构,本文的命题也就是总论点:
分论点2: 女性比男性具有更多的人文关怀,更适合研究发展经济学
“女性会成为杰出的经济学家吗?”用疑问句和群体指代弱化了语气。试比较 “我的理想就是成为一名杰出的女性经济学家。”
“这是每一个有学术理想的经济学专业女学生在大学的四年学习中会反复面对的问题¸including me”。在including me而产生的转折中弱化了语气。试比较“这是有学术理想的我在大学的四年学习中反复思考的问题”。
“我的师姐们,在过去几年中比男性校友有更为杰出的表现,她们获得了包括来自…… 等美国名校的OFFER。我希望我也会在明年加入她们的行列。”这实际是用一种委婉的方式来论证我的实力。试比较 “我认为自己完全有符合…等牛校的标准,应当获得录取。”# _: B: d) }; Y7 S( p
“我的确没有能力从微观上make immediate changes,但是我期望寻找某种答案,尽管这答案在我的心中仍然是朦胧的。”
试比较 “我旁听了两门统计学课程、自学了…等几本教程” 和 “她们采用经济学家很少用的因素分析法,把大量数据变为少数有解释力的因素,发现了政治稳定和金融市场复杂程度对经济发展的影响力。我感觉到这种方法或许对解答我心中的困惑有着强烈的帮助意义。因此,我也很注意统计学的学习,旁听了两门统计学的课程,并自学了。。。。。等几本教程。”不宜直白的对自己做出正面评价,正如一个成熟的男人不会第一次跟一个女孩子见面时就直白的说 “我是一个成熟的男人”。如果提供一些有导向性的信息,诱导对方做出相关结论,效果就要好多了。重要的结论是应该让对方从字里行间读出来,推导出来的。
美国高中留学,一篇好的个人陈述,可以吸引招生老师的眼球,让他们迅速了解到你,发现你的特长和独特之处,从而提高你的录取成功率。接下来,我为大家带来了美国高中留学个人陈述模板,希望对大家有所帮助: 01、范文一: “Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one” Stella Adler. Where the line of normalcy is shaped differently in the eyes of artists, as everything is relative, there exists the freedom that only artists can create – the space, colour and texture on which that line of normalcy lies, in order to make it one at all. To extent my egomania is an honest tool of my style, it is in need of elaboration and solidifying within the disciplines and professionalisms in studying art at college. As an AS Psychology student, I learnt that the perception of stress is relative “ where I find the paranoia of my reality stressful, it is much of my escape that I share with many others to spend time doing Art & Design (currently at A2) in free-periods and after school to produce more research, drawings, developed experiments and final pieces, from my C at GCSE to an A for AS. I am also predicted an A for A2. This drive came from a particular experience, which I'd rather not speak of. More relevantly, I am experienced in etching and print-press, collagraph, photography, life sketches, multi-media and Photoshop. I have used a range of materials in previous artworks: works on canvas, and acrylic, installations, multi-media works and film editing, of which I am able to use iMovie and Cyberlink Power Director and have competent use of, as I take a personal interest in film-making. I have also voluntarily produced and edited advertisement films for 2 competing business studies classes where I was able to help creatively and equally, providing that it was their own equipment and concept. In studying English (Lit./Lang.) the analytical aspects have helped aquired the appropriate information behind concept. As an aspiring poet, I have contributed poems of my own to the school’s English Literature Magazine (of students works) and have written for the 6th Form monthly Newsletter, ‘Rant N Rave, for which I have written poetry and articles. I have also dispersed these creative energies in Music Technology. At the Dubai 92.0 FM Radio Station, I was able to take a glimpse into the radio industry, as well as accompany the radio-jockey ‘Catboy’ on air. As there were 2 other students, we organized play lists; part of the job was to understand the business aspect of airtime. In May 07, I was given the opportunity to work-shadow a General Planning Manager, involving the planning of layouts and structures of building shopping malls for Majid Al Futtaim, Dubai. This helped me realize the importance of relation between physical demands of construction and planning. I have obtained certificates and commendation letters, project certificates, best advertisement for Shakespeare’s 12 Night Play (playing one of the main characters roles as 'Maria'), intermediate snowboarding, skiing, and have achieved the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze. As I have lived in and travelled countries from Malaysia to Switzerland, France to Saudi Arabia, I have more cause to find a universal message that not only makes us appreciate diversity, but unifies us as human beings. From a Marxist perspective, I deliberately refuse to accept the pyramid of our society. This is simply one constant idea and philosophy that even disturbs my sleep. Fully aware of the competition that goes on in the media industry, with my competitive and somewhat cynical characteristic; I am able to critically self-evaluate which forces me to better myself constantly improving my skills and techniques, adhering to the business aspects as well. Taking first year studies or foundation art would help me explore more skill which I am capable in a more professional and disciplined manner as well as improve specified research work. My aspirations are based on my persistency, enabling me to work adaptively in the art business. I may work towards the Visual Communication, Painting, Intermedia art or Illustration, not sufficed to say the least, and followed entry into Second Year Studies to define my Specialism.