
时间:2024-12-23 14:48:37编辑:花茶君


英语话剧剧本推荐:《威尼斯商人》、《俄狄浦斯王》、《第十二夜》、《被缚的普罗米修斯》、《鸟》。1、《威尼斯商人》《威尼斯商人》 是英国戏剧家莎士比亚创作的戏剧,是一部具有讽刺性的喜剧。大约作于1596~1597年。该剧的剧情是通过三条线索展开的:一条是鲍西亚选亲;一条是杰西卡与罗兰佐恋爱和私奔;还有一条是“割一磅肉”的契约纠纷。2、《俄狄浦斯王》《俄狄浦斯王》是古希腊作家索福克勒斯创作的剧本,约公元前431年演出。《俄狄浦斯王》戏剧,取材于希腊神话传说中关于俄狄浦斯杀父娶母的故事,展示了富有典型意义的希腊悲剧冲突——人跟命运的冲突。3、《第十二夜》《第十二夜》是英国剧作家莎士比亚创作的戏剧,约写于1600一1602年间,1623年在书业公所登记,同年收入第一对开本中。这部作品以抒情的笔调,浪漫喜剧的形式,再次讴歌了人文主义对爱情和友谊的美好理想,表现了生活之美、爱情之美。4、《被缚的普罗米修斯》《被缚的普罗米修斯》是古希腊悲剧家埃斯库罗斯的一部话剧作品,剧中主要塑造了普罗米修斯这一位爱护人类、不屈服于暴力的光辉形象。该剧情节简单,结构也不复杂,但它历来受到人们的重视,被视为古典名作。5、《鸟》《鸟》是阿里斯托芬(公元前414年)的杰作之一,是现存的唯一以神话幻想为题材的喜剧。剧中有两个雅典人和一群鸟一起在天和地之间建立了一个“云中鹁鸪国”。这个国家是一个理想的社会,其中没有贫富之分,没有剥削,劳动是生存的唯一条件。


This short play is set in a restaurant named "Scottish Taste / Feel." Uncle Zhao, in his customary Chinese tunic suit, enters, carrying a string of garlic on his back and a pheasant in hand, with his granddaughter Yadar in tow.)
Uncle Zhao Here we are.
Yadar Here we are.
Uncle Zhao It's the most pricy eatin' spot in Tieling: "Scottish Tease / Fool."
Yadar You got it wrong - Scottish taste / feel, not tease / fool.
Uncle Zhao All right, taste / feel. We're gonna have our meal here anyway.
Yadar But it's very expensive.
Uncle Zhao So whut? We've got the money, 30,000 yuan. Where's the bag?
Yadar What bag?
Uncle Zhao The yellow one with the money in it.
Yadar Oh no, I left it on the brick bed.
Uncle Zhao So whut can you do at all? I'm goin' t'rough all this for you and you had the nerve to forget the bag on the bed! Any money left on you?
Yadar Let me see... (Fumbling) only 70-plus yuan.
Uncle Zhao Here's 400 more.
Yadar Still not enough.
Uncle Zhao No matter. Waiter!

英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money
Scene1(At Salesman’s home)
N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming!
S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why. The foolish students always come here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money……
Oops! It’s time to make candies now.(看表)
First, put the flour on the table.
Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做)
Now press, press……
Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情)
Press, press……
Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it!
Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe……
Now let me cut it into pieces!




1、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》虽是一出悲剧,但两个青年男、女主人公的爱情本身却不可悲。 他们不仅彼此相爱,而且大胆追求他们的爱情,不惜以命拼争。 他们的爱情力量使他们敢于面对家族的仇恨,敢于向生活中的障阻挑战。2、《俄狄浦斯王》。俄狄浦斯王》是古希腊作家索福克勒斯创作的剧本,约公元前431年演出。《俄狄浦斯王》戏剧,取材于希腊神话传说中关于俄狄浦斯杀父娶母的故事,展示了富有典型意义的希腊悲剧冲突——人跟命运的冲突。3、《威尼斯商人》 英国戏剧家莎士比亚创作的戏剧,是一部具有讽刺性的喜剧大约作于1596~1597年该剧的剧情是通过三条线索展开的:一条是鲍西亚选亲;一条是杰西卡与罗兰佐恋爱和私奔;还有一条是“割一磅肉”的契约纠纷。4、《王子复仇记》 被评“一部为如今躁动不安的世界量身定做的《哈姆雷特》”。近总共76晚的表演,超过10万张门票一售而空,成为伦敦史上销售最快和观看人次最高的舞台剧

