insert是什么意思 翻译insert的意思
英音 [in'sə:t] ;,美音 [in'sə:t] ;, 及物动词: 1. 插入,嵌入 2.(在文章中)添加,加插 n. 1. 添入物(尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图);(书报的)插页, 广告附加页 2. 插入物;添加物,名称 inserter,时态 inserted,inserting,inserts,insert casually,put or introduce into something,introduce,fit snugly into,a folded section placed beeen the leaves of another publication,(film) a still picture that is introduced and that interrupts the action of a film,(broadcasting) a local announcement inserted into a neork program,an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted,insert mode v. 插入模式 ,insert block 预埋砌块 ,insert cover 嵌入盖 ,insert film 插入胶片 ,insert hinge 嵌入式铰链 ,insert pattern 组合模板 ,insert pump 杆式泵 ,insert tube 插入管 ,filter insert 内滤芯 ,thermal insert 热装, 热压配合 ,insert v.[T]1. 插入,嵌入2.(在文章中)添加,加插n.1. 添入物(尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图);(书报的)插页, 广告附加页2. 插入物;添加物,direct insert 直接插入的,re insert vt.重新插入,pull insert 锥体拉出试验插入物,pipe insert 水管套座
insert into语句怎么用?
INSERT INTO 语句可以有两种用法:1、第一种形式无需指定要插入数据的列名,只需提供被插入的值即可:INSERT INTO table_nameVALUES (value1,value2,value3,...)2、第二种形式需要指定列名及被插入的值:INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...)VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...)其他SQL语句:创建新数据库:CREATE DATABASE修改数据库:ALTER DATABASE创建新表:CREATE TABLE变更(改变)数据库表:ALTER TABLE删除表:DROP TABLE创建索引(搜索键):CREATE INDEX删除索引:DROP INDEX删除主键:Alter table tabname drop primary key(col)选择:select * from table1 where 范围插入:insert into table1(field1,field2) values(value1,value2)删除:delete from table1 where 范围更新:update table1 set field1=value1 where 范围查找:select * from table1 where field1 like ’%value1%’ 排序:select * from table1 order by field1,field2 [desc]总数:select count as totalcount from table1求和:select sum(field1) as sumvalue from table1平均:select avg(field1) as avgvalue from table1最大:select max(field1) as maxvalue from table1最小:select min(field1) as minvalue from table1
insert into语句是什么?
insert into语句就是向表中添加数据,其简单语法形式为:Insert into 表名[(列名[,列名]...)] values(值 [,值],...)。Values 后面的值的排列要与into子句后面的列名排列一致,若表名后面的所有列名省略,则values后的值的排列要与该表中存储的列名排列一致,“[]”表示其中的内容可省略。语句形式为:SELECT vale1, value2 into Table2 from Table1,要求目标表Table2不存在,因为在插入时会自动创建表Table2,并将Table1中指定字段数据复制到Table2中。相关写法如下:写法1:INSERT INTO t1(field1,field2) VALUE(v001,v002);写法2:INSERT INTO t1(field,field2) VALUES(v101,v102)(v201,v202)(v301,v302)(v401,v402);写法3:INSERT INTO t2(field1,field2) SELECT col1,col2 FROM t1 WHERE。