
时间:2024-07-22 00:19:37编辑:花茶君



[create_time]2019-02-20 06:57:25[/create_time]2019-03-07 06:52:26[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]柠檬81659[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.67687174.2We9ttHjqHsEDv6Qt9WdfA.jpg?time=3553&tieba_portrait_time=3553[avatar]TA获得超过234个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2[view_count]



[create_time]2020-07-23 16:59:20[/create_time]2007-04-20 19:30:41[finished_time]6[reply_count]4[alue_good]生活畅谈者[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/7155a2d76a5eb3a420bbe6b5acde1e33.jpeg[avatar]生活新鲜事,看我就知道[slogan]生活新鲜事,看我就知道[intro]37712[view_count]


可以, 而且见效快。 但是效果不持久。如果你不改变不规律的饮食习惯或者脸部清洁不彻底, 再或者本身就是油皮。没多久它还会回来的。最好是购买一套好一点的专业去痘产品, 再配合去美容, 加上饮食调节。 痘就必须拜拜。去就去稍微好一点的地方吧, 小地方给你用的产品不可靠, 得不偿失。

[create_time]2013-08-29 19:55:10[/create_time]2013-09-13 13:01:58[finished_time]9[reply_count]2[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6181[view_count]


1、SK-II温和氨基酸洁面乳这款洗面奶几乎出现在所有美妆博主的梳妆台上,是一款用了就会爱上的洗面奶。略带一点玫瑰香味,不会有太多泡沫,但是很细腻,用它洗完脸不会有假滑的现象出现。2、芙丽芳丝氨基酸洗面奶这款洗面奶因为太好用,几乎每年都会备货。可以轻松揉搓泡沫,无香味,不添加防腐剂,温和,是居家旅行必备的好产品。3、EltaMD氨基酸洗面奶这款洗面奶大家都不陌生。去年在网上流行。氨基酸洗面奶除了有很多优点外,还有消炎作用,特别适合痘痘肌人群使用。4、多芬氨基酸洗面奶这是氨基酸洗面奶排名中适合懒人的氨基酸洗面奶。不需要自己搓泡泡。挤出时就有绵密的泡沫。清洁力好,洗完脸不会紧绷。非常适合油性皮肤和混合性油性皮肤。5、庞氏米粹洗面奶庞氏的洗面奶价格便宜到简直不敢相信。要是碰上活动大促,四舍五入等于不要钱,几乎把自己的优势发挥到了尽头。泡沫细腻,肤感温和,特别适合预算不足的学生党。以上内容参考 百度百科-SK-II温和氨基酸洁面乳,百度百科-芙丽芳丝氨基酸洗面奶,百度百科-EltaMD氨基酸洗面奶,百度百科-多芬氨基酸洗面奶,百度百科-庞氏米粹洗面奶。

[create_time]2022-06-14 13:51:16[/create_time]2022-06-21 00:00:00[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]为生活一起努力吖[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/ec3a89d3e0639b1d304111405a3b3083.jpeg[avatar]生活中的一些碎碎念啊[slogan]生活中的一些碎碎念啊[intro]786[view_count]


氨基酸洗面奶牌子推荐如下:1、芙丽芳丝(Freeplus)氨基酸洗面奶芙丽芳丝是隶属于日本Kanebo佳丽宝化妆品株 式会社旗下的护肤品牌,2001年诞生。产品不含防腐剂、香料、紫外线吸收剂、色素、酒精、矿物油。2、珂润(Curel)氨基酸洗面奶Curel是日本花王旗下专为敏感肌设计的品牌。Curel创始于1999年。专门针对干燥性敏感肌肤的Curel品牌的诞生,与花王持之以恒的皮肤科学研究是分不开的。3、雪花秀氨基酸洗面奶雪花秀 (Sulwhasoo)是韩国高端草本护肤品牌,是韩国著名化妆品集团爱茉莉(太平洋)株式会社旗下三大高端品牌之一。4、Elta MD氨基酸洗面奶EltaMD是高露洁旗下美妆护肤品牌, EltaMD安妍科是专注于肌肤抵御力研究的护肤品牌。EltaMD安妍科品牌进入中国市场,推出EltaMD氨基酸自发泡洁面乳。5、SK-II氨基酸洗面奶SK-II始终坚持改写女性肌肤命运的品牌理念,自王牌成分PITERA?诞生起,便以其为灵感研发而成了四大王牌产品,深受全球爱用者喜爱,帮助成就肌肤晶莹剔透。6、欧莱雅(LOREAL)氨基酸洗面奶欧莱雅集团是美妆品行业中的领导者,经营范围遍及130多个国家和地区,在全球拥有283家分公司、42家工厂、100多个代理商,是总部设于法国的跨国公司,也是财富全球500强企业之一。7、旁氏(POND'S)氨基酸洗面奶旁氏1864年诞生于美国,是著名的化妆品品牌1987年被联合利华收购。1988年,旁氏品牌和她的旗舰产品——冷霜一同进入中国。旁氏拥有四大系列的产品:美白、抗衰老、基础护理和洁面乳系列。旁氏的先进技术源于旁氏专业护肤中心。8、后(The history of Whoo)氨基酸洗面奶The history of whoo后品牌中的“后”为皇后之意,运用单字表现简约之美。Thehistory一词蕴含了东方思想与皇后美容秘笈之历史,意味着“后”的化妆品犹如熬制补品膏方般精心研制而来。9、玉兰油(OLAY)氨基酸洗面奶OLAY(玉兰油)玉兰油是世界上最知名的品牌之一。然而,虽然经历了所有的这些变革与创新,格雷厄姆·武尔夫所秉持的基本理念却始终未变:那就是帮助广大女性打造美丽观感。10、丝塔芙(Cetaphil)氨基酸洗面奶丝塔芙是由法国高德美(Galderma)公司研发生产,高德美是国际专业的护肤品生产厂家,经过大量的皮肤安全测试和临床验证,美国皮肤科学会特别推荐产品。以上内容参考 百度百科——芙丽芳丝

[create_time]2022-12-29 19:38:43[/create_time]2022-12-30 00:00:01[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]爱生活的可爱吃货[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/1b571e5e3f61ed73149d9faa072b8ada2584.jpeg[avatar]爱这人间烟火的生活气息[slogan]爱这人间烟火的生活气息[intro]832[view_count]



[create_time]2022-10-09 17:31:42[/create_time]2022-10-21 23:14:48[finished_time]13[reply_count]0[alue_good]忆寒UW[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/b843a63b5182b865136851eae0b80452.jpeg[avatar]学生[slogan]不积跬步,无以至千里[intro]3284[view_count]


市面上的洗面奶很多,但是在选择的时候,还是得结合一下自己的肤质再选购,如果盲目的选择了一款,有可能真的会对皮肤造成不良影响。氨基酸表面活性剂成分的洗面奶简而言之就是,刺激性比较小。它甚至可以调制成弱酸性,这样和皮肤的状态比较接近,用起来就比较舒适、不紧绷。这一类的洗面奶,去污去油的能力没有皂基那么强,只能清理一下肌理间的污垢,所以在使用感受上还是比较亲肤的。表示洗脸的时候睁着眼睛,泡泡粘在眼睛周围都不会有特别刺激的感觉。所以它适合任何皮肤日常使用,特别是晨间洁面。芙丽芳丝 净润洗面奶 | 参考价:100元左右/100g作为一枚偏干性皮肤且时而敏感的银,表示没有芙丽芳丝的洗面奶无法洗个舒服脸。很让人放心的配方,用起来一点都不刺激,出泡丰富,洗完不紧绷,特别适合敏感肌。欧缇丽 大葡萄洁颜慕丝 | 参考价:120元左右/150ml温和型的大葡萄慕丝洁面,按压一下就出泡沫,省时间。大葡萄的味道,很舒服。旁氏 米粹洁面乳 | 参考价:18元/75g一支低价里很出色的氨基酸洗面奶,有香味,清洁力还不错,个人觉得起泡略微比芙丽芳丝的差一丢丢,但10几块的洗面奶还是很不错了。珂润浸润保湿泡沫洁面 | 参考价:80元左右/150ml很适合干燥敏感肌,以及长痘痘的人日常使用的泡沫洁面,无味,泡沫很绵密,毫无刺激感。SK2 氨基酸泡沫洁面乳 | 参考价:400元左右/120g霜状质地,内有亚麻籽提取物和其他高保湿成分,泡沫细密,洗完不紧绷不假滑,有淡淡的玫瑰香,整个体验感还是很好的。elta MD 氨基酸泡沫洁面 | 参考价:140元左右/207ml也是一款很扎实的氨基酸洁面乳,青瓜味,乳液状质地,清洁力中等,起泡中等,很温和舒适。唯一不好的就是汞头不好用!肌研 极润洗面奶 | 参考价:70元左右/100g这个氨基酸洗面奶很滋润,包装上都写了双倍透明质酸成分,可以很好的帮助肌肤汲取水分,保持弹性。洗完后没有假滑感,适合所有皮肤日常用。欧树 蜂蜜洁面凝胶 | 参考价:110元左右/400ml啫喱质地的氨基酸表活洁面,内有蜂蜜成分,有滋润和提升肌肤弹性的效果。而且内有卸妆成分,清洁力也比较好。气味是蜂蜜香,还有股茶香的感觉。

[create_time]2020-09-19 13:38:08[/create_time]2018-02-22 20:45:32[finished_time]40[reply_count]9[alue_good]舞动的小丸子3c15[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7375816f.gIowioC5HlnvRjP-GbzzAw.jpg?time=4159&tieba_portrait_time=4159[avatar]TA获得超过533个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]9123[view_count]


问题一:去台湾买什么护肤品好 买大牌子的吧

问题二:去台湾买什么护肤品好 台湾的十大化妆品牌  1、羽西 2、新生活美容馆   3、依爱    4、宠爱之名    5、丹堤    6、我的美丽日记   7、漂亮制造   8、贝罗    9、舒琪  10、菁桦

问题三:去台湾买什么护肤品化妆品比较划算 sofina 的白蕾丝防晒和控油隔离都很好,台版比日版便宜很多,效果差的却不多很值得购买

问题四:去台湾买旅游买什么化妆品好? 个人建议23.5°N、heme喜蜜、自然美、宝璐丝等。但是heme喜蜜的美妆产品。适合各类肤质使用。像heme喜蜜“纯萃好漾薰衣草净白润泽洗面乳”。睡前,用洗面乳洗洗脸。脸部保湿、有弹性。薰衣草的芳香,能让我清爽入睡一整晚。

问题五:去台湾买哪些护肤品化妆品好呢 20分 韩妆都有卖,较大的品牌机场免税店和当地商场都有,小品牌可去康世美等买。
好多选择,去了看价位买吧 都不会太差

问题六:去台湾旅游买哪些化妆品比较好 买保养品或本土化妆品的话,屈臣氏或康是美等连锁药妆店是不错选择。经常有打折促销活动。

问题七:台湾买什么化妆品便宜 森田药妆面膜,好像都比大陆便宜,你多逛逛药妆店

问题八:去台湾旅游买什么化妆品好 化妆品有些真的很便宜,种类很多,都很好用,最主要是价位超合适,~还要买台湾当地的,也都很不错~还有日本的 ,比如DHC、雪肌精、资生堂等等,价位也比内地合适很多,当时我买DHC卸妆油三瓶组合比较合适,在DHC 店买够3000台币还85折,所以无论在哪都问一下,买多的折扣不同~~还有就是免 税 的 化 妆 品了,根据需要购买吧 这些在免税店都差不多是内地的一半价格,一般都是增量装,比香港和日上免税店还要便宜~如果不怕重的话,那边的洗发水超便宜,可以买回来~

问题九:台湾买什么化妆品和保养品? 去台湾旅游,建议逛逛台湾的两大连锁药妆店:屈臣氏、康是美,特别是康是美,是台湾本土的药妆店。至於品牌,当然是台湾品牌会最划算,其次日系开架彩妆保养品。一、在大陆也小有名气的台湾品牌→Dr.Wu:买组合包、大容量,或是大陆尚未引进的单品For Beloved One(宠爱之名):同上我的美丽日记:同上,今年也推出保养品了牛尔Naruko、ampm:保养品前三个品牌,去康是美可以一次购足,尤其是「我的美丽日记」。Naruko、ampm则是在屈臣氏设有简易的开架柜,而且台湾的Naruko很便宜。二、台湾的专柜品牌→Forte (台塑生技):护肤保养品Chic Choc (奇可俏可):彩妆保养品阿原肥皂 (Yuan Soap):手工肥皂、洗头水、洗澡水姜心比心:手工皂、清洁保养品,特别推荐野姜花系列皆属於专柜品牌,通常在百货公司、商场才有设柜,而且台北市区内会较好找。这四个品牌在台北信义商圈可以一次购足,Forte统一阪急B1、Chic Choc统一阪急1F、阿原肥皂信义诚品书店5F、姜心比心信义诚品书店5F。三、日系开架品牌→品牌很多,想要一次购足,得找闹区且店面大的屈臣氏。像是欧美药妆品牌、台湾开架品牌、韩妆...我的百度空间有「台湾化妆品采购」的系列文章,请查看

[create_time]2022-11-12 16:55:33[/create_time]2022-11-20 22:47:45[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]一抹晨曦17[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.76fe14bc.8DKRRpJKxIK5TbRYKQBhcA.jpg?time=724&tieba_portrait_time=724[avatar]TA获得超过1007个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]528[view_count]


问题一:台湾护肤品哪个牌子好? 台湾的话好用的是QIANLISU ,就这个挺好的,其他的用了没什么感觉。

问题二:台湾哪个牌子化妆品好 我是台湾人,我自己本身也是做护肤品,我正在准备要在内地,将台湾的牌子进到内地,但是我感到很奇怪的事情,有一些说是台湾品牌,可是我在台湾却从来没有看过,也不知道这怎么就成了台湾货,至于哪个牌子比较好,我觉的适合自己最好,毕竟东方人的皮肤与国外不同,先了解自己的肤质才是重点,了解你目前使用的产品的内容成份也是很重要的,在则一分钱一分货,高端的产品其实还是有保障的

问题三:台湾有什么化妆品比较好 最有名的就是宠爱之名这个很不错,还有就是我的美丽日记的面膜 、牛尔化妆品、永和三美人、Dr. Wu、广良源

问题四:台湾化妆品的十大品牌 1、羽西(Yue-sai)2、新生活美容馆(Life of quality)3、依爱(iti)4、宠爱之名(For Beloved One)5、丹堤(DDlady)6、我的美丽日记(beautydiary)7、漂亮制造(Beauty Maker)8、贝罗(Balo)9、舒琪(SUKI)10、菁桦(T.S.C)

问题五:去台湾买什么护肤品好 台湾的十大化妆品牌  1、羽西 2、新生活美容馆   3、依爱    4、宠爱之名    5、丹堤    6、我的美丽日记   7、漂亮制造   8、贝罗    9、舒琪  10、菁桦

问题六:去台湾有哪些护肤品值得买?什么牌子?便宜吗? 便宜就是药妆店、美妆店,百货公司通常都不便宜。至於好用的台湾品牌,这边不能讲,否则不是被人检举就是会违反知道的规定遭到删除。建议你可以去找找一些美容论坛,有不少人会把台湾购物写成帖子,多少有参考价值。

问题七:台湾护肤品好不好用?有什么比较靠谱值得买的? 台湾的纤立素东西都不错,主打温和,其他效果也都很好。

问题八:去台湾旅游买哪个牌子化妆品比较好? 个人建议23.5°N、heme喜蜜、自然美、宝璐丝等。但是heme喜蜜的美妆产品。适合各类肤质使用。像heme喜蜜“纯萃好漾薰衣草净白润泽洗面乳”,我都使用一年了。睡前,用洗面乳洗洗脸。脸部保湿、有弹性。薰衣草的芳香,能让我清爽入睡一整晚。

问题九:台湾本土化妆品,哪个牌子好? 台湾本土化妆品牌子,其实挺多的。个人建议:23.5°N、heme喜蜜、自然美、宝璐丝等。我跟我堂姐,经常选用heme喜蜜和23.5°N这两个牌子。效果还不错。其实,台湾牌子挺多的。就看你个人怎么选哦。像我的话,就经常使用heme喜蜜的“薰衣草净白润泽洗面乳”。睡前,用温水+洗面乳洗洗面,效果挺ok的。特别是薰衣草淡淡的芳香,能让我轻松入睡一整晚。

问题十:去台湾买什么护肤品好 买大牌子的吧

[create_time]2022-10-11 05:53:46[/create_time]2022-10-25 15:18:10[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]柚花离海17[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.4cbd9528.1ykn9mijbmDSGj7gDSvNvQ.jpg?time=4821&tieba_portrait_time=4821[avatar]TA获得超过1333个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]78[view_count]


氨基酸洗面奶主要是以氨基酸表活为主要的清洁成分,以清洁力适中,温和亲肤,对皮肤没有刺激感,比较受大家们喜欢。氨基酸洗面奶比较适合大部分的肤质使用,即使是敏感肌也是可以使用的。推荐几款好用氨基酸洗面奶:遇见香芬氨基酸洗面奶这款一款纯氨基酸洗面奶,采用氨基酸表活为主要的清洁成分,里面氨基酸的含量高达46%,真的很足!可以闻到很淡的迷迭香的味道,温柔细腻的泡,上脸也舒服,洗完的油腻感一扫而光,很适合混油皮和油皮。这款洗面奶具有水油平衡的作用,内含植物草本成分,真的很温和,无香精和防腐剂添加,敏感肌也可以放心使用哦。禹泉小分子氨基酸洗面奶禹泉这个品牌是由日本著名的抗敏专家石田禹泉研发的,专为敏感肌打造的一款护肤品牌。洗感超级好,搓出泡沫在脸上揉搓,没有刺激感,里面添加的专利小分子水,可以很好的渗透到肌肤的深层补水。里面还添加了来自加拿大的柳草提取物这种成分,可以修复敏感肌,无香精防腐剂等成分的添加,敏感肌可以放心使用。欧缇丽葡萄籽洁面慕斯这款也是纯氨基酸洁面,还含有欧家经典的葡萄精华,金菊,海藻等天然成分,清新的天然葡萄小白花和金菊香气,泡沫细腻丰富,温和清洁,清洁力足够又不会太过,但是用量太快啦~味道还是挺好闻的,挤出就是呈慕斯状的泡沫,方便直接上脸使用,就是每次使用的话,感觉有点浪费。珂润浸润保湿洁面这款洗面奶是花王旗下专为敏感肌研制,慕斯泡泡的洗面奶真的很适合懒人,而且也适合敏感肌和痘痘肌,它可以在清洁肌肤污垢的过程中去修复受损的肌底,改善屏障受损的情况。用起来泡沫还是比较细腻,用完较清爽,就是味道有点刺鼻~Elta MD 氨基酸泡沫卸妆洁面乳这款Elta MD只要配合30秒自发泡的“奇妙”功能~洗面奶挤出来之后是白色乳液质地,加入少量清水轻轻揉搓一下,然后洗面奶就会自动发泡,泡沫不算非常的丰富,但是使用之后清洁力度还是不错的,但是如果不及时涂抹护肤品的话,脸还是会有点干~拓展:氨基酸洗面奶,它的特点是:①高效清洁的同时,温和亲肤低刺激,小孩和敏感肌肤都可以使用。②氨基酸洗面奶采用的则是弱酸性的氨基酸类表面活性剂,PH值与人体肌肤接近,加上氨基酸是构成蛋白质的基本物质,所以温和亲肤。③不但适合痘痘肌肤的人使用,敏感肌肤也可以使用的清洁产品。氨基酸洗面奶兼具温和、保湿、清洁,确实是一款温和的洁面。氨基酸洗面奶是以氨基酸清洁剂为主要表活剂的洗面奶,主要成分是某酰基+氨基酸+钠(钾)

[create_time]2021-02-25 14:15:41[/create_time]2020-09-03 18:40:05[finished_time]6[reply_count]31[alue_good]初濛[uname]https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/4034970a304e251fe566e687b786c9177f3e533f?x-bce-process=image/resize,m_lfit,w_450,h_600,limit_1[avatar]职场妈妈|专注孕期知识与育儿分享[slogan] 高梵护肤,无论你在世界何处,我都能依香寻你。 [intro]7058[view_count]



[create_time]2020-05-09 17:52:32[/create_time]2020-03-13 00:17:08[finished_time]4[reply_count]17[alue_good]花印HANAJIRUSHI[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/5bde21fa0b7ed7b2bc955cb162a80a1b.jpeg[avatar]百度认证:天津龙和隆盛化妆品销售官方账号[slogan]花印品牌倡导不一样的美 一样美 走全球制造、营销全球的发展路线 以科技、独特作为品牌核心 [intro]3983[view_count]


有段时间我被痘痘困扰,护肤品几乎全部大换血。洁面、爽肤水、精华、乳液还有防晒几乎全部换一遍。我是混油性型的肌肤,T区油,冬天两颊会干,伴有些许红血丝。无论对于洁面还是其他种类的护肤品,首当其充我会考虑其是否温和。折腾了很多猛料产品,有段时间肌肤被刺激得脆弱到没任何屏障,敏感,起痘,水油不平衡全找上门,谁苦谁知道。最后还是靠温和类型的护肤产品,不断把肌肤调理到一个稳定的状态,这两年基本没有捅太大娄子。比起皂基洗完脸后的拔干感,我更倾向于氨基酸系洁面洗完脸后的莹润柔舒爽。以下是我用过的不错的洗面奶,功课我已经给大家做好了,照着买就行了。科颜氏高保湿洁面啫喱含有温和洁面的温和发泡配方,能溶解多余油脂并达到彻底清洁皮肤的功效,同时也能一并清除彩妆,同时不会洗去皮肤天然的油脂,保持皮肤的自然防护功能。添加温和的保湿成分,清洁后不会感觉绷感。适合各类型肌肤,包括敏感性肌肤。经皮肤专家安全测试。温净氨基酸洗面奶用过的最好的一款洗面奶了。国货之光名不虚传,虽然成分都是和国外一线品牌的一样的正宗氨基酸,但是产品价格很亲民。洗脸特别干净舒服,去黑头痘印痘痘都没问题。这个产品很温和无刺激,孕妇都可以用呢。我最喜欢这种洗完脸后清爽干净的感觉了。良心国货!值得入手。Rafra洁面按压出来就是泡沫,省事方便。敏感肌肤用完全没问题,不假滑不紧绷。典型的氨基酸洗面奶,非常温和。清洁力一般,对我来说只适合晨间洁面。安初身体乳非常好用的一款身体乳,这个获得过多个专利证书和护肤金奖,多次被卖断货,我真的超爱这个,它一抹化水,非常好吸收,重要的是涂起来一点都不会油腻,超级清爽,皮肤干燥起皮,粗糙暗沉,痘痘发红还有鸡皮疙瘩用这个都很有效果!这个也是我碰到过的最好闻的身体乳了,高级香氛留香持久,良心好产品啊!MINON 氨基酸保湿泡沫型洗面奶清洁力虽然不强,但作为冬天的晨间洁面多多根本,蕴含9种氨基酸成分,以及人见人爱的低分子化玻尿酸,保湿效果赞赞的!芙丽芳丝洁面乳成分温和安全,而且泡沫细腻。质地是白色的膏体,比较柔软,挤一点点就能搓揉出很多泡沫,而且只需要加一点点水,徒手就能起泡,泡沫绵密又丰富,在脸上打圈会有小颗粒在脸上化开。

[create_time]2021-03-08 09:03:56[/create_time]2014-02-26 20:46:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]玖叔SE21[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ef7a0c62.LhoGzC1zwgMdn88cMwklIg.jpg?time=3490&tieba_portrait_time=3490[avatar]TA获得超过243个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5[view_count]


  2015年6月13日的英语四级考试刚刚结束,本次考试为多题多卷,整理了不同版本的真题及参考答案,供考生参考,下面是整理的 2015年6月英语四级听力对话原文(网友版) ,欢迎查看。    Short conversations   1.   W: I’m going to give up playing chess. I lost again today.   M: Just because you lost? Is that any reason to quit?   Q: What does the man imply?   2.   M: Do you know Sally’s new address? She’s got some mail here, and I’d like to forward it to her.   W: Well, we’ve not been in touch for quite a while. Let’s see. Mary should know it.   Q: What does the woman mean?   3.   W: I missed classes this morning. Could you please lend me your notes?   M: My notes? You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?   Q: What does the man imply?   4.   M: I’m taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.   W: I went there last weekend, I found it rather disappointing.   Q: What does the woman mean?   5.   W: Winter is over at last. Time to put away my gloves and boots.   M: I’ve been waiting for this for months.   Q: What does the man mean?   6.   W: Thank you for bringing the books back.   M: I thought you need them over the weekend. Many thanks for letting me use them.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   7.   W: Are you working flexible hours?   M: No, I’m not. The weather today is so nice, so I decided to walk to work, and that meant I had to leave an hour earlier than usual.   Q: What did the man decided to do?   8.   W: Our plane has been circling for a long time. Why the delay?   M: The airport is closed for a while this morning, and things are still not back to normal.   Q: What does the man mean?   Long conversation    长对话一   Woman: Morning, this is TGC!   Man: Good morning, Walter Barry here, calling from London. Could I speak to Mr. Grand, please?   Woman: Who’s calling, please?   Man: Walter Barry, from London.   Woman: What is it about, please?   Man: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant. My own company LCP, Liquid Control Products, is a leader in safety from leaks in the field of chemical processing. I’d like to speak to Mr. Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC to protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time.   Woman: Yes, I see. Well, Mr. Grand is not available just now.   Man: Can you tell me when I could reach him?   Woman: He’s very busy for the next few days. Then he’ll be away in New York. So it’s difficult to give you a time.   Man: Could I speak to someone else, perhaps?   Woman: Who, in particular?   Man: A colleague, for example?   Woman: You are speaking to his personal assistance. I can deal with calls for Mr. Grand.   Man: Yes, well, could I ring him tomorrow?   Woman: No, I’m sorry, he won’t be free tomorrow. Listen, let me suggest something. You send us details of your products and services, together with references from other companies. And then we’ll contact you.   Man: Yes, that’s very kind of you. I have your address.   Woman: Very good, Mr…?   Man: Barry. Walter Barry, from LCP in London.   Woman: Right, Mr. Barry. We look forward to hearing from you.   Man: Thank you, goodbye.   Woman: Bye.   9. What do we learn about the woman’s company?   10. What do we learn about the man?   11. What’s the woman’s position in her company?   12. What does the woman suggest the man do?   Long conversation    长对话二   Man: Miss Yamada, did you ever think that you would find yourself living and working in the western world?   Woman: No, not really, although I’ve always listened to recordings of great orchestras from Europe.   Man: So you enjoyed classical music even when you were very young?   Woman: Oh, yes. I was an only child.   Man: You were born in 1955, is that right?   Woman: Yes, I began violin lessons at school when I was 6.   Man: As young as that, did you like it?   Woman: Oh, yes, very much.   Man: When did you first play on your own? I mean, when did you give your first performance?   Woman: I think I was 8…? No, Nine. I just had my birthday a week before, and my father had bought me a new violin. I played a small piece at the school concert.   Man: Did you know then that you would become a professional violinist?   Woman: Yes, I think so. I enjoy playing the violin very much, and I didn’t mind practicing, sometimes three or four hours a day.   Man: And when did you first come to Europe?   Woman: I was very lucky. When I was fifteen, I won a scholarship to a college in Paris. That was for a three-year course.   Man: How did your parents feel about that?   Woman: I think they were pleased and worried at the same time. It was the chance of a lifetime. But of course I would be thousands of miles from home. Anyway, I studied in Paris for three years and then went back to Tokyo.   13. What do we know about the woman before she went to Europe?   14. What does the woman say about her music experience?   15. What does the woman say about her study in Paris?    Passage 3   The British are supposed to be famous for laughing at themselves, but even their sense of humour has a limit, as the British retailer Gerald Ratner found out to his cost. When Ratner took over his father's chain of 130 jewelry shops in 1984, he introduced a very clear company policy. He decided that his shops should sell down market products at the lowest possible prices. It was a great success. The British public loved his cheap gold earrings and his tasteless silver ornaments. By 1991, Ratner's company had 2,400 shops and it was worth over 680 million pounds. But in April of that year, Gerald Ratner made a big mistake. At a big meeting of top British businesspeople, he suited up and explained the secret of his success. People say "How can we sell our goods for such a low price?" I say "Because they are absolute rubbish." His audience roared with laughter. But the British newspapers and the British public were not so amused. People felt insulted and stayed away from Ratner's shops. Sales fell and 6 months after his speech, Ratner's share price had fallen by 42%. The following year, things got worse and Gerald Ratner was forced to resign. By the end of 1992, he lost his company, his career and his house. Even worse, 25,000 of his employees had lost their jobs. It had been a very expensive joke.   Question 22 What did Gerald Ratner decide to do when he took over his father's shops?   Question 23 On what occasion did Gerald Ratner explained the secret of his success?   Question 24 How did people feel when they leaned of Gerald Ratner's remarks?   Question 25 What does the story of Gerald Ratner suggest?

[create_time]2022-12-30 11:35:38[/create_time]2023-01-13 14:17:34[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]李思诚研学[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3228b1e9.fUUR1IyS4nbtbYSiZTg9jA.jpg?time=9533&tieba_portrait_time=9533[avatar]TA获得超过210个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5[view_count]


  大学英语四级考试于本周末拉开序幕,同学们准备得怎么样了呢?听力部分一直是大多数同学的软肋,考试前一定要找找感觉。为大家精选了一套英语四级听力模拟题,希望对您有帮助!    2014年12月英语四级听力模拟试题 :   Section A   Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 passages. All the end of each conversation, one or more question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B],[C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.   11.   [A] The girls got on well with each other.   [B]It‘s understandable that girls don’t get along.   [C] She was angry with the other young stars.   [D] The girls lacked the courage to fight.   12.   [A] The woman does her own housework.   [B]The woman needs a housekeeper.   [C] The woman‘s house is in a mess.   [D] The woman works as a housekeeper.   13.   [A] The Edwards are quite well-off.   [B]The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.   [C] It’ll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.   [D] It‘s too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.   14.   [A] The woman didn’t expect it to be so warm at noon.   [B]The woman is sensitive to weather changes.   [C] The weather forecast was unreliable.   [D] The weather turned cold all of a sudden.   15.   [A] At a clinic.   [B]In a supermarket.   [C] At a restaurant.   [D] In an ice cream shop.   16.   [A] The woman did not feel any danger growing up in the Bronx.   [B]The man thinks it was quite safe living in the Bronx district.   [C] The woman started working at an early age to support her family.   [D] The man doesn‘t think it safe to send an 8-year-old to buy things.   17.   [A] The man has never seen the woman before.   [B]The two speakers work for the same company.   [C] The two speakers work on the same floor.   [D] The woman is interested in market research.   18.   [A] The woman can’t tolerate any noise.   [B]The man is looking for an apartment.   [C] The man has missed his appointment.   [D] The woman is going to take a train trip.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   19.   [A] To make a business report to the woman.   [B]To be interviewed for a job in the woman‘s company.   [C] To resign from his position in the woman’s company.   [D] To exchange stock market information with the woman.   20.   [A] He is head of a small trading company.   [B]He works in an international insurance company.   [C] He leads a team of brokers in a big company.   [D] He is a public relations officer in a small company.   21.   [A] The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer.   [B]Mr. Saunders will share one third of the woman‘s responsibilities.   [C] Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations.   [D] The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders’ past experience.   【 听力原文 】   11.   M: What would be like working with those young stars?   W: It was a great group, I always got mad when people said that we didn’t get along, just because we were girls, there was never a fight. We had a great time.   Q: What does the woman mean?   12.   M: Are you telling me you don‘t have a housekeeper?   W: No, we don’t. If you make a mess, you clean it up yourself.   Q: What do we learn from this conversation?   13.   W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.   M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.   Q: What does the man imply?   14.   M: You look like you are freezing to death. Why don‘t you put this on?   W: Thank you, it was so warm at noon. I didn’t expect the weather to change so quickly.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   15.   M: I‘ll have the steak, French Fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice-cream for dissert.   W: Oh, Oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?   Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?   16.   M: What was it like growing up in New York‘s Bronx District? Was it safe?   W: To me, it was. It was all I knew. My mom would send me to the shop and I’d go and buy things when I was about 8 years old.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   17.   M: Nice weather, isn‘t it? Oh, I’ve seen you around the office, but I don‘t think we’ve met, I am Henry Smith, I work in the Market Research Section.   W: Nice to meet you, Henry. I am Helen Grant, I am in the Advertising Section on the ninth floor.   Q: What can we infer from the conversation?   18.   M: Mam, I hear you have an apartment for rent, can I take a look at it?   W: Sure, you‘re welcome any time by appointment, but I have to tell you the building is close to a railway with the noise. You might as well save the trip.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   Conversation 1   W: Please have a seat, Mr. Thunders. I received your resume last week, and was very impressed.   M: Thank you!   W: We are a small financial company trading mostly stocks and bonds. May I ask why you are interested in working for us?   M: Your company has an impressive reputation and I always want to work for a smaller company.   W: That’s good to hear. Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job?   M: I‘m currently working in a large international company in charge of a team of 8 brokers, we buy and sell stocks for major clients worldwide.   W: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?   M: As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily bases, and I enjoy working with people.   W: Well, you might just be the person we’ve been looking for. Do you have any questions?   M: Uh-hum, if I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling?   W: You will be working with two other head brokers, in another words, you will be handling about a third of our clients.   M: And who would I report to?   W: Directly to me.   M: I see. What kind of benefits package do you offer?   W: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department. Do you have any other questions?   M: No, not at the moment.   W: Well, I have to discuss your application with my colleagues and we‘ll get back to you early next week.   M: OK, thanks, it’s been nice meeting you!   W: Nice meeting you too! And thanks for coming in today.   19.   What‘s the purpose of Mr. Thunder’s visit?   20.   What is Mr. Thunder‘s current job?   21.   What can we conclude from the conversation?   【 答案 】11.A 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.A   以上就是为大家提供的 2014年12月英语四级听力模拟题 ,希望对您有帮助!想要成功拿下接下来的英语四级考试,你还需掌握更多应试技巧,按 CTRL+D 收藏并持续关注本站,竭诚助您考试一臂之力!    猜你喜欢:

[create_time]2023-01-02 04:40:27[/create_time]2023-01-12 15:44:13[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]今天上岸了吗2333[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7a16afea.Z2coRWsNsYLzeqBAiyyJwA.jpg?time=6916&tieba_portrait_time=6916[avatar]TA获得超过174个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1[view_count]



  1. A. they are not rescued once a new edition comes out

  2. B. They haven’t fixed all the shortcomings of print books.

  3. A. they find it troublesome to take notes with an iPad.

  4. D. they are no more than print versions put on a screen

  5. C. a platform for building multimedia content

  6. A. share his learning experience with the best and brightest thinkers

  7. C. professors can join in students’ online discussions

  8. manpower to put together each one

  9. cost

  10. remains to be seen




  1. 答案:A. they are not rescued once a new edition comes out

  解析:【细节题】。由关键词the biggest problem 定位至文章第二段首句。由“But the worst part is that print editions of textbooks are constantly undergoing revisions.”可知,纸质版课本最大的问题是经常修订,因此,正确答案为A。

  2. 答案:B. They haven’t fixed all the shortcomings of print books.

  解析:【细节题】。由第三段“Which is why digital textbooks, if they live up to their promise, could help ease many of these shortcomings. But till now, they’ve been something like a mirage (幻影) in the distance,”可知,电子课本没能解决纸质书的所有问题。因此,正确答案为B。

  3. 答案:A. they find it troublesome to take notes with an iPad.

  解析:【细节题】。由Kalpit Shah定位到第五段。由“They weren’t using it as a source of communication because they couldn’t read or write in it.”可知,他们不使用电子书,是因为他们不能用电子书进行读写,因此,正确答案为A。

  4. 答案:D. they are no more than print versions put on a screen

  解析:【细节题】。由Inkling CEO Matt Maclnnis 定位到第九段。由 “What I mean by that is the current perspective of the digital textbook is it’s an exact copy of the print book. There’s Course Smart, etc., these guys who take an image of the page and put it on a screen.”可知,Course Smart现在的电子课本只是对纸质课本的复制,因此,正确答案为D。

  5. 答案:C. a platform for building multimedia content

  解析:【细节题】。由第十段首句“He calls Inkling a platform for publishers to build rich multimedia content from the ground up, with a heavy emphasis on real-world functionality.”可知,Matt Maclnnis 认为,Inkling是为出版商搭建丰富的多媒体资源的一个平台,因此,正确答案为C。

  6. 答案:A. share his learning experience with the best and brightest thinkers

  解析:【细节题】。由第14段首句 “But the most exciting part about Inkling,to me,is its notation (批注)system.”和第16段最后一句“The best comments are then sorted democratically by a voting system, meaning that your social learning experience is share

